Best Books & Other Information

Best Books & Other Useful Information

I recommend  the following books as a good starting point for anyone interested in reading and learning more about the Alexander Technique.

“Body Learning” by Michael Gelb: This book provides a practical and simple introduction for anyone considering learning the Alexander Technique. It is the first book I recommend to new and potential students.

“The Alexander Technique” by Edward Maisel: Edward Maisel’s book is a well compiled introduction to a selection of Alexander’s own text. It is a good introduction to the history and development of the Technique, and is still one of my favourite Alexander books.

“The Use of the Self” by F M Alexander. This was Alexander’s third book.  It is still a classic and describes the process Alexander went through whilst discovering and developing his work.  It is a rich source of information not only about the procedures Alexander developed, but about the fundamental processes involved in changing habitual physical and mental patterns.  It is a treasure of a book just to browse through or to delve deeply into the  teachings it contains.

For more information you can search:

The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) where you will find an index of certified teachers in the UK.

You can search a worldwide index of certified teachers here.

Contact Caroline to find out more

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