Find Out More

There are several ways you can find out more:

A 15-Minute ‘Phone Call:  Call Caroline for a 15-minute no obligation discussion about your situation and find out how she may be able to help you.

Contact Caroline

A One-One Introductory Session:  (1.5 hours)

This will give you plenty of individual time to learn and experience how Caroline may be able to help you. There will be practical work relating to your individual needs and Caroline will explain the main principles behind her approach. At the end of your introductory session, you will have enough information to decide if you want to continue with further classes.

“Caroline’s approach is both reassuring and informative and I would recommend her classes to anyone wishing to learn more about this essential framework for mind and body” MV Director

Book a one-one session

A 4-Session Introductory Programme:

Introductory programmes run for 1.5 hours once a week for 4 weeks. This can be a great way to start learning the basics of the technique. Classes are run in North London and you will also be able to meet and work with a group of like-minded people. The course includes plenty of practical work as well as discussion and reflection.

At the end of the programme you will have a deeper understanding of how applying the principles you have learnt to your daily life can benefit you.  

After completing the course of 4 group lessons, I cannot recommend Caroline as a teacher highly enough. There was a mix of people on the course, and she prompted some thought-provoking and stimulating discussion. This was balanced with practical work.CP

Sign up for an Introductory programme.

A One-Day Workshop:

Join a one-day workshop to find out more about Caroline’s approach.  The day is fun, informative and experiential. You will learn the history of the Alexander Technique and how applying the principles to your life can improve posture, relieve back pain and ease tension from shoulders and neck.  It can become a positive tool for change in many areas of your life.

Caroline is an excellent teacher who thoroughly, and patiently, guided our small group through the basic principles.  She taught us how we could make subtle, conscious shifts in our everyday movement and thinking. I highly recommend Caroline’s classes to anyone looking to know more about how to improve their wellbeing“. KD

Sign up for the next workshop

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we’ll be happy to keep you posted.