About the Alexander Technique

At the core of the Alexander Technique is a simple truth; habits that have often developed unnoticed over many years and which are now causing pain, tension and/or an unnatural postural profile, can be changed.

‘We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence therefore is not an action, but a habit.’


Using a holistic approach involving both mind and body, Caroline will show you how to change your habits and restore your health and wellbeing, so you can get on with the things you really want to do.

I found an instant benefit regarding the discomfort in my back. I also learned how to relax my body properly which has been very beneficial for ongoing health management and avoiding future problems.  I found the experience  nothing short of miraculous”. ME (June 2019)

Habits are like knots; they are easy to create but much more tricky to unravel.  Through a programme of classes involving simple, practical experiences and topic discussions, Caroline will guide you through the process of learning how to untie the knots and prevent new ones from developing. Once you start applying the principles you have learnt to your everyday life, the ripple effect will make everything you do more focused, enjoyable, and effective. 

Contact Caroline